
KAU berilah aku kekuatan minda,fizikal and rohani.
berilah aku keyakinan dalam pembelajaranku..
kau berkatilah ilmu yang aku terima selama ini..
hanya keberkatanmulah yang aku pinta

Jumaat, 29 Jun 2018

A poem for you

What are we?
Are we just friends,
Or more than that?

Never say a word about us
And i
Wont ever ask anything about us
For you
Had once left me wondering
When i
Had once say the word

3 years and counting,
Will there be any more time
Between us?

They say
Butterflies in the stomach
I say
Is it indigestion that i am feeling

A single message from you
Makes my heart flutter
So i
Kept on reading our previous conversations
And waiting for our next

What are we?
Are we just friends,
Or more than that?

My best friend,
She said
Go for it!
But my heart
It says
For i
Might fall deep into darkness

What are we
Are we just friends
Or more than that?
Is the question
That's kept lingering in my mind

I kept on telling myself
Its ok if we dont share the same feelings
When in reality
I want us to feel the same way
Dance the same rhythms
Sing the same tunes

Dinino 0747H 29.06.18 friday

Khamis, 21 Jun 2018

Selamat hari raya semua!

Hari ni dah 7 syawal 1439 H
Saya ucapkan selamat hari raya, maaf zahir batin kepada semua yang sudi baca blog yang dah bersawang ni
Taqabbalallahu minna waminkum
Semoga Allah menerima segala ibadah kita
Semoga kita sentiasa tawakkal consistent dengan amal ibadah kita

Semoga Allah pertemuan kita dengan ramadan akan datang :)

Rabu, 14 Mac 2018

Spm 2017

Post ni khas untuk lepasan SPM 2017, terutama, adik bongsu ku, Nur Lini...

Hai adik2.. Esok keluar result SPM kan?
Apa perasaan korang? Nervous tak?

12 years ago (2006) i was in your shoe..
Malam tu, tak boleh tidur langsung..
Bercampur baur perasaan..
Dah kita dok fikir perasaan parents.. (takut kena marah dengan abah kita)
Perasaan dan harapan cikgu-cikgu.. (pelajar harapan la konon)
Dahla esoknya nak kena travel atleast 1 hour to banting from kajang (dulu sekolah kat banting)...

Pagi hari keputusan.. Lagilah bercampur baur perasaan...
Dah la dengan gelisah, mengantuk lagi... Jauh betul rasa sekolah tu dengan rumah..

Tak lama pastu, result keluar..
Alhamdulillah... Walaupun tak sampai 🎯 (well rasanya semua orang target full A kan), tapi tak la teruk sangat pun..
Ada some subjects dapat result as expected, ada yang terlebih, ada jugak yang terkurang.. Tapi itu rezeki.. Dah kita usaha macam mana, macam itulah keluar result tu

I remembered my dearest Sir Khairi Bidin,(masa tu Sir PK HEM if im not mistaken, Sir jugak was my EST teacher)..kami kena ambil keputusan dekat pejabat beliau..
And he asked me... "dini, macam mana nak jadi doktor ni? Keputusan subjek sains awak semua B?"
Hmm.. Sir, sedih jugak saya dengar soalan sir tu.. Tapi it does motivates me sir!
Jadi after that masuk matrikulasi, saya pulun jugaklah.. Haha

Anyway.. Berkat doa semua, Sir, i am a doctor now.. Thank you so much for your doa 😀

Untuk adik2.. Just keep in mind, result spm esok.. Bukan lah segala2nya.. You have long way to go... InsyaAllah, kalau nyawa panjang.. Banyak lagi perkara yang mendatang..
Result tak keluar macam your expectations? Nak nangis? Silakan menangis.. Lepas tu, sila move on!

Result gempak? Nak bergembira? Silakan! You deserve it! Lepas tu, sila move on juga!

And remember, ucapkan syukur kepada Allah, dengan apa jua keputusanmu.. ALLAH KNOWS THE BEST! 😘

Lastly, semoga berjaya, dan tahniah!

Rabu, 7 Mac 2018

Housemanship... Sweet sour tough journey

Hi Assalamualaikum..
As mentioned before, now i'll share some of the memories during HO-ship

June 2012-dec 2014 (2.5years)
I was placed at hospital queen Elizabeth, kota kinabalu, sabah
It was my 2nd choice, the first was tawau, and third was kuching, sarawak.
Reason for choosing sabah/sarawak over peninsula were :
1)money money & 💰 💲💲💲(elaun iwilayah tu banyak jugakla, tapi actually kos hidup kt KK tinggi, elaun tu tak cukup pun nak cover haha)
2) nak balik jadi MO (medical officer) kat selangor.. Sebab kononnya those who did HO kat klangvalley will be sent to sabah/sarawak for MO..(not true, i saw lots of friends yg did HO kat klangvalley, MO x kena hantar sana pon..still kat semenanjung..seremban pon ada.dekat je kan tu).. But i dont regret my decision, sbb i fell in love with Sabah afterwards.
3)nak berdikari...
My second time duduk jauh from family..
My whole life, i have live in selangor.. Except, masa matrik, dekat Kolej Matrikulasi Johor, Tangkak..univ pon dekat je, dekat UPM.. Sebab dulu takpernah duduk asrama.. To my surprise, my parents bagi pulak buat HO kt sabah.. Haha...memang pegi sana, takde family, ada kawan sahaja..  Tak pernah jejak kaki pegi sabah, and it was completely a foreign land for me

The journey during HOship, was really a roller-coaster journey
Jatuh bangun nangis ketawa sedih gembira semua ada..
My first posting was O&G.. Toughest for me.. Lasted for 7 months, sebab i was extended.. Tak complete procedure during the designated time..
Ni lah posting yg paling banyak menangis rasanya..
Tapi posting ni la yang mengajar untuk jadi degil, kuat semangat
Posting ni la i met with many awesome people..
I was not in good term with my superior, due to reason yg i dont know till now..
I pernah kena tuduh buang sharp in normal bin (sharps kena buang in sharp bin).. Padahal i did not.. And it was when i was very nice to go help my superior during my free time.. Sedih sgt masa tu, sbb masa tu dahla kena extend posting, almost finishing my posting.. Tiba2 jadi hal macam tu..terima kasih utk sisters n staffnurses in ward K4 yg tolong back me up.. Sampai sekarang teringat2 lagj peristiwa tu.. It was really a depressing moment..
I remembered the time that i was kicked out from my ward, just because my superior simply hate looking at my face 😔..
But, although there were many superior who hated me, there were also good superior there.. Thank you bosses for helping me through the process. Allah bless you
But i think my ultimate heroes during the posting were my colleagues yang awesome and sempoi. Some seniors dont even treat me like im a junior, treated me equally the same.. Thank you my heroes! 😘 tanpa korang, i might have given up that time.
To my superior who hated my back then, i am very sorry for any mistakes i did, any problems that arose because of me.

2nd posting was surgery.. It was fun actually.. Esp in subspecialty.. Urology, paeds surgery, neurosurgery, plastic surgery
I was also extended during my 2nd posting.. Sebab by this time, malas gila nak kejar procedure.. Having bad experience during my first posting kan...tapi bosses dekat surgery mostly baik gilaaa kalau nk compare dgn bosses masa first posting..
Oh i remembered during this posting, stucked in the lift for 1 hour.. 😂
Masa tu dah nak habis masa kerja dah..shift ended at 7 tak silap. My work is all done for that day. So i turun bawah pergi kafe pukul 6, beli makanan, lapar kan.. Tak jauh pon ward dgn kafe, ward 2nd floor, kafe ground floor.
Tapi sbb malas punya pasal, nak naik tu, instead of panjat tangga, naik la lift...sekali.....lift rosak la pulakkk!! Adoiii.. I immediately regrets my decision naik lif tu...nak dijadikan cerita, lif tu takde telefon..  Tak jumpa.. Butang alarm pon takde org dengar.. Nasib baik la dapat line phone.. So call my partner in ward.. Dia la yang tolong selamatkan... Thank u moy su sen:)) boleh dengar dari dalam lif dia jerit2, "are u okay?? Wait for a while.. Help is on the way"

3rd posting was orthopedics...
Seronok wey posting ni, chillest posting ever. I was initially in red team, which is spine team.. Chill, patient x byk.. Relax la kan.. Then in blue team, advanced trauma team.. Lagi chill sbb patient lagi la sikit, sbb team baru.. Ada satu kali tu datang kerja, patient ada 2, HO ada 3..camno tu ehh.. Lepak gila.. Boss pon best, ada satu tu garang, tapi sebab ada fav boy dia, ktorg selamat haha.. Lagi sorg tu mmg relax je.. Chill..
Sebabkan posting ni chill je, ada la masa utk ambil lesen kereta (yea, baru nak ambil after 1 year in sabah.. Selama tu, pegi keje tumpang kawan, or amik teksi.. Gila kan)
Info: orthopedics team dekat HQE ada blue (advanced trauma) green (diabetics foot ulcer team) yellow (arthroplasty team) lebih kurang gini lah kalau x silap ingatan ni.. So kami round ikut team masing2.. Bila oncall je la yang overlap dengan team lain..
Bosses kat ortho ni, mostly best, compared to what i previously thought..dulu ingat diorg ni garang gila.. Straight face je.. Tapi actually baik gila!
Ada sorg MO ni, everytime i was assigned to assist in emergency operation, mesti dia surgeon nye.. He is so kind, mula2 tu rasa cam dia buli kita..tapi actually baik gila.. Siap offer buat rays amputation wey.. Seronok..(pernah tanya leader, kenapa bila MO tu oncall, i"ll be assisting him, sengaja ke, kebetulan... Rupanya mmg ketua tu sengaja je.. Pasal dia kata i have good rapport with that MO, so, senang keje semua org....No wonder lah.. Haha..sampai MO tu pun tanya, "kenapa tak pernah nmpk org lain assist aku"..)
Anyway, i really enjoyed my orthopedics posting

4th posting: paediatric rotation..
Paeds ni best jugak.. Walaupon ada org kata posting ni agak racist, tapi overall i've enjoyed my posting..
Ye la pegi keje jumpa budak2.. Stress tu stress jugak, tapi budak2 ni ada charm tersendiri.. Pandai menghiburkan hati kita kan
Yg paling best, and memuaskan hati, bila dapat berjaya pasang iv cannula or amik ABG (arterial blood gas) from kids or babies .. Seriously puas hati bila kita pandai buat, sampai org lain panggil kita untuk tolong amikkan.. Bangga la kan..
Bos kat paeds ni strict gak la,tapi best..
Sebabkan dah senior (yela dah 4th kan), so dah pandai tgk bos tu cmne..boleh kawtim ke tak, kena buat bodo je ke tak..
Yang tak best kta paeds, beban keje dia, mak oii... Sebabkan pesakit tu budak2 kan, maka OCD sikit la..lagi tak best, bila tengok budak2 lagi kecik dari kita, sakit... Kesian sangat..
In this posting, i was extended too, sebab tak siap procedure jugak.. Haha.. Malas dowh nak kejar procedures ni.. Tapi last2 habis gak la..

5th: Medical posting
Pergh.. Org lain buat medical posting masa 1st or second, yang aku ni, buat 5th..senior la org cakap
Bila senior masuk posting ni, maka salah satu tugas dia, kena ajar adik2 junior..
Maka ketua posting pada masa itu telah meletakkan aku dekat general medicine almost 3 months out of 4months there..(i asked him personally).. Org lain dapat la pergi peripheral/subspecialty eg respi nephro gastro cardio... Yang kita ni,duduk la dekat general medicine tu..
Ada la one month rotation dekat infectious disease...
Yg best psl ID ni, masa tu, mula2 ward dia masih di lingzhi.. Lingzhi ni tak silap org cakap bekas rumah kebajikan.. So tempat tu lawa la.. Mcm hotel pon ada.. Ktorg HO ada bilik nak rehat..
Pegi keje kat lingzhi tu, rasa cam bercuti la jugak..
Lagi2 bila patient kat situ semua yg sangat2 stable (sebab jauh dari main hospital, so takde kemudahan emergency sgt).. Paling2 busy pon, kena buat case summary tiap2 minggu...

6th: final posting , emergency medicine!
Kalau kt HQE, masa tu, choice utk HO final posting ada 2 je, ED or anes.. Skrg rasanya dah ada psy&fam medicine..
ED ni best! Dia busy, tapi best.. Sbb kwn2 semua sebaya ngan kita.. Semua either 5th or 6th posting
MO n specialist pon mostly treat kita like MO.. Well, one step towards mo-ship kan..
Dapt pulak kawan satu group yg satu kepala ngn kita.. Mmg best la, team work..
And i was lucky enough to be posted to ED HQE 2 for 1 month, kt situ, lagi lah best.. Chill.. MO baik2 gila..Staffnurses, MA semua baik.. Siap gaduh berebut nak pasang cannula kt patient 😂
Specialist baik gila kt ED ni..siap ajar kita procedures yang patutnya jumpa masa kt posting lain, tapi tak jumpa.. Seronok blaja 1-1 dgn specialist buat ijc..
Masa ED posting ni, baru la dapat kesedaran, alamak.. Dah nak habis HO.. Jadi MO banyak oii tanggungjawab..
Masa exam HO tu, rasa2 macam tak layak lulus.. Tapi alhamdulillah, specialist bagi lulus.. (walaupon hati 50-50 xnak lulus).. Takut wei nak jadi MO..

Then finally habis lah HO ship lepas 2 and half years of journey..
Posting paling tough: O&G
Tapi kalau boleh, takmau dah go trough that journey haha..

Apa yang best kalau buat HO kt sabah, esp HQE:
Pengalaman.. All sort of pengalaman..
(dulu kitorg HO kena buat procedure utk completekan posting.. Tapi dengar kata sekarang tak lagi.. Tapi rugi laa.. We learn all sort of procedures there.. Caesarean section, appendicectomy, intubation adults and babies, lumbar punctures adult and babies..anything la)
Staff semua baik gilaa!! They really respect u..pastu kadang2 tu konfius jugak, diorg ni marah kita ke apa, sbb cakap masih lembut..
Patients : sangat menghargai kita.. Pandai berterima kasih
Laut/pantai/pulau : dekat sangat.. Pegi hujung minggu pon boleh..
Kawan: sebab kt sana kita tak ada family kan, so kawan tu sangat la penting.. Pergi makan, shopping, nangis, tengok wayang, bagi motivasi
Sabahan people: sangat2 baik!

Thank you those who crossed my life when i was doing my housemanship..
Kawan2, staffnurses, sisters, MA.. ALLAH bless u guys..

To all current HO: dimana jua anda berada, kuatkan semangat, taklama pun..orang marah kerana sayang
Tapi kalau rasa2 memang tak boleh tahan, muhasabah diri, cari potensi di tempat lain, dan berjaya di bidang lain..

Ciao.. Assalamualaikum.. Semoga bertemu lagi😘😁

Rabu, 28 Februari 2018

Welcome back!

Im back to this website.. Shall continue blogging now

Yes, i already finished my housemanship, alhamdulillah..
It was hard, long journey, somehow i managed to survive the journey..

I am now a medical officer in a gov hospital..

Still single, not yet married hahah

I'll write in detail later about my HO journey and current life..

In the meantime, i am thankful for the life that Allah have given me

Stay tune, and i'll be back

Selasa, 17 April 2012

officially, not an undergrad any more~

i should have written this post 4 days ago when my result was out, but due to some problem, i could only write it now...(basically i just copied and paste my fb status, haha)

thank you Allah for everything

million of thanks to:
  • all my patients, who had helped me through the journey
  • my friends esp my house mates for all the ups and downs we've been together
  • all my seniors and juniors esp my buddies for all your notes and encouragement, you guys made my life in UPM interesting...
  • FPSK n K17 staffs, thank you
  • ALL MY LECTURERS, without you, i'm nothing...
and the most importantly, thank you to my beloved family, ibu abah kakno zaki azmi hani izni lini for being there, always....... ♥ ♥ ♥

now, there will be huge responsibilities for me..
i'm afraid that i could not go through it, but i always believe that, Allah is always by my side :)

i might be starting to work this june..huhu...kenapelaa cuti ni pendek naa...
i chose tawau as my first choice, and i do hope that i will get tawau, tp takut jugak nak g sane, because i'll be there for 2 years, minimum..huhu...pasni kalau stress tepon nangis2, xde laa ibu abah dtg amik dini oiii....

i hope that i'll enjoy my work there,
and i can survive through housemanship
and become a safe doctor..

plz pray for my career from now on..and thank you for your prayers until now, don't stop praying for me :)

may I, Nur Dini, will be a good and safe muslimah doctor:)

Isnin, 9 April 2012

the day


the day has finally come!!
where the battle of minds, clinical skills are tested!

is my exam day (clinical exam)
check in :935 am
check out: 335pm, insyaAllah...

kau permudahkanlah perjalanan peperiksaan ku
Kau berilah kejayaan kepadaku
Kau tenangkan lah hatiku
Kau lembutkanlah hati para pensyarahku dalam memberi markah
Kau permudahkanlah urusanku utk clerk pesakitku

kau redhakanlah aku dengan segala ketentuanmu...


do pray for me, thank you! :)

all the best to all my friends.. :)